Friday, October 17, 2008

7th Grade Field Trip

Derek went on a field trip this week to a local wildlife management area called Teneroc. He was able to hike, fish, and do water sampling. Roger and I went as chaperones. The kids had fun, and we saw some cool wildlife. As we were hiking, I was shocked to learn that several of the kids had never even been in the woods before!
This is Derek fishing, without much luck. Some of his friends were hauling in some pretty good sized fish, but he was happy to at least catch a 4" Seminole Killifish.
Roger made friends with a little toad.
This was one of several big spiders that we spotted while hiking.
I was the lucky one to come across this Cottonmouth (also called a water moccasin). It was my first encounter with a poisonous snake.


Ash said...

Ok! Crazy! I'm not a big fan of any of those animals! I couldn't really see the spider but then I clicked on it and made the picture bigger and OH MAN! It seriously has a face on it! NASTY!!

Kimberly said...

Good grief! That's a big, scary snake. At least my cats are only finding little racers and ringnecks. Do you know what kind of spider that is? We've seen a few of them during our sojourn in this lovely state, but we don't know what they are.

The Katy Daileys said...

We have those snakes in our yard! They are scary little varmints! Looks like a really fun trip! Thank goodness winter is on it's way!

Debra said...

Oh YUCKY SNAKE!!! I would FREAK! We had one of those run across our road up by our home in Lakeland once. Thankfully I was driving and ran over it. LOL

I cannot believe that some kids have never been in the woods before!

Jodi said...

Okay, only you would stop to take a picture of that! I would have died...seriously died of a heart attack!

Anonymous said...

Isn't that one of those good spiders? Like a garden spider? Looks like s/he had a beautiful web going. Nice web for a nice spider ... of course I wouldn't want it crawling up my arm ...

Looks like a great trip. What a fun opportunity for you and Roger to go on the field trip.

Heather said...

Oh my gosh it does have a face. EWWW! LOL I bet he had a blast out there!