Sunday, October 26, 2008

Red Ribbon Run

Yesterday was the “Red Ribbon Run” here (a race held primarily for Elementary school children in honor of drug free awareness – or something like that). All of the kids ran this year in their own age groups. It was raining off and on, so some of them got to run in the rain. Derek & Dustin ran a mile, while Kaylee & Brandon had half mile races. Dustin was elated that his time was about 15 seconds faster than Derek’s (7:31 vs 7:13). Kaylee did really well on her half mile, too, especially considering how out of shape they all are (she was 5 minutes even). Brandon either tripped or was tripped when he was finishing up his first lap and spent the 2nd lap in the first aid tent getting a bandage. He still managed to run into the home stretch with the stragglers, but we were a little bummed that we didn’t get to see how he would do for the entire distance.

Derek after his race - it was raining through most of it.
Brandon (in red) before his tumble. It wasn't as dark as it looks.
Kaylee coming into the home stretch.
Dustin sprinting to the finish line.

Building with cards

Derek and Dustin have both taken an interest in stacking cards lately. Last Christmas we got Derek a book and about 100 decks of cards. Every now and then they pull them out and practice. They are slowly getting better at it! It's a shame that they always have to tear down their work when they are finished, though.

A quiet moment

This is the kind of thing I just love to see. These three get along quite well together when they feel like it.

Farewell to Houdini

This is the kind of scene you will no longer have to worry about encountering when you visit our house. Houdini has officially been adopted by a new family, so we are snake free for now!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Random quote from Dustin

We were on the way home from a soccer game yesterday when Dustin said out of the blue, "Before you know it, I'll be able to drink out of two straws with my mouth closed."

There was silence as I tried to process what on earth he was talking about. Once it clicked, it really made me laugh.

He's about to lose another tooth, thus creating two symmetrical holes on either side of his mouth. Apparently this is a moment he's been waiting for.

Friday, October 17, 2008

7th Grade Field Trip

Derek went on a field trip this week to a local wildlife management area called Teneroc. He was able to hike, fish, and do water sampling. Roger and I went as chaperones. The kids had fun, and we saw some cool wildlife. As we were hiking, I was shocked to learn that several of the kids had never even been in the woods before!
This is Derek fishing, without much luck. Some of his friends were hauling in some pretty good sized fish, but he was happy to at least catch a 4" Seminole Killifish.
Roger made friends with a little toad.
This was one of several big spiders that we spotted while hiking.
I was the lucky one to come across this Cottonmouth (also called a water moccasin). It was my first encounter with a poisonous snake.

Off to dream land

It's becoming quite commonplace for multiple kids to end up in one bed lately, but I had to chuckle when I saw this arrangement. I'm starting to think we don't need so many beds.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Wishing for Winter

It's October, but in central Florida that means nothing. Winter hasn't even taken a peek here yet. The kids aren't buying it. They requested hot chocolate Saturday morning and Brandon even put on his winter pajamas. It did get down to 75, after all.
Can I just say it makes me even hotter to watch them do this???

Kindergarten Career Day

Brandon wanted to be a chef for career day. We decided at the last minute that he had to have a hat, so we hastily put together a paper chef's hat and sent him off to school. The sad ending to the story is that he got sick right after he got to school and threw up (not into his chef's bowl - that would be too easy to clean up - try INTO HIS BACKPACK - yuck, yuck, yuck!). Even though he was feeling better, he was a little traumatized and wanted to come home. The school prefers that they go home if they throw up anyway. So, I checked the timer on the oven (still 45 minutes to go on the cake I was baking), and booked it down to the school (a 20 minute drive each way). We made it back in time - about 30 seconds before the cake timer went off - whew. He was excited to learn that I was doing some baking - he was a chef after all. All was well until Brandon realized that he would miss being in the career day parade at school. All of the sudden, he didn't want to be at home anymore. Lots of tears and wailing - from Brandon because he was stuck at home and from me because I got to clean out a nasty backpack. We're talking goop between the pages - stinky liquid inside the plastic covers of the binder - you get the picture. Overall, a dramatic end to career day! At least he started out really cute!!

Soccer Teams

Here are a couple of pictures I took of Derek & Dustin with their soccer teams. They are both really enjoying their season so far.
Derek's U14 team
Dustin's U12 team
(taken at 7:15 am - it wasn't quite light yet!)

Monday, October 6, 2008

My motivated daughter

Kaylee got a new coloring book over the weekend, and there was a form in the back of the coloring book asking children to write the company and give an opinion about the book. There were very detailed instructions about how to send the letter. Kaylee had the letter all prepared and the envelope addressed by the time I figured out what she was doing. She can be pretty independent when she wants to be. She's always very proud of her coloring, too.


We got a cat about a month ago, and I'm just now getting around to documenting it. It has been an interesting transition because she is so shy. The kids are occasionally able to get close to her, as long as they don't make any quick movements. Quite a change from the cat we used to have. This picture was actually taken by Fiona's previous owner, with whom she was more relaxed. She is finally starting to come out of her shell, though. Baby steps.....