Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Thanksgiving in Kansas

Kind of a small crowd for Thanksgiving this year, but it was still a great trip! Dustin kept trying to beat Grandma at chess, and we went on our traditional hay ride. Of course Kaylee spent plenty of time on the horses.
Blurry Roger trying to look grouchier than he is :).
Grandpa at the helm
Brandon, Sarah, Kaylee, Derek, Will, Dustin
Sarah & Kaylee

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Another one bites the dust - Kaylee's beta fish

Kaylee has lost another fish friend. Clifford didn't last long, so the grief was short lived! At least she still has her trusty companion Demitri - for now.
Kami, Kaylee, and Demitri

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Brandon's first Pack Meeting

There aren't many cub scouts in Brandon's pack, but they were still excited to have a Pack Meeting. They did a flag ceremony and a few cute skits and had a great time!
Brandon, Dalton, Sister Cope, and Cody

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Lake Sands District Boy Scout Fall Camporee

Derek and Dustin attended a camporee with several other boy scout troops. They won a lot of the competitions and appeared to have a good time!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Kaylee at the 2011 political forum

Once again this year, Kaylee was selected as one of the students to ask questions to some community representatives at the political forum at her school. Among the guests were several county commissioners and one of the state house representatives, Marti Coley. Kaylee is in the middle in blue.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Derek's art work and poster

Derek's drawings on the tablecloth at an art activity, plus the poster he made for the drama play. He worked backstage during the performance.