We have been so glad to have Emily and Dan visit us on a regular basis since they moved to Tallahassee. They come about once a month to visit the Orlando temple, so we provide them some babysitting and a place to stay. It's nice to see family members a little more frequently than we are used to.

Caitlyn is growing up so fast! She's lots of fun to have around.

Derek was so nice to play with Jeffrey on Saturday. If only he would play with his own little brother this well!!

Jeffrey and Brandon

This can only end in tears. At least he thought to put helmets on the little ones, too.

The whole clan.

Pregnant Emily - a little over halfway there. I'm sure she'll be happy with me for posting this! I'll spare Dan a photo...this time.
Nice job, Tish. Even if the only picture of me was goofy - the kids look cute!
At first I thought the picture of your pregnant sis was YOU! You two totally look alike.
Caitlyn is getting so big and still so cute! Jeffrey and Tisha's kids, too, of course. :) You look great, Em!
how fun! i love having family around or closer anyway! cute kiddos - all of them.
and you and your sister - you need a picture together and then maybe i wouldn't think you look SO much alike, but for now, i'm sayin ya do! how fun.
I can't believe how big all your kids are getting. They are too cute! And Emily looks amazing!
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