Saturday, August 30, 2008

She decided to go short

After much deliberation, Kaylee decided that the time had come to redo her look. She insisted that she was prepared to go all the way to her shoulders.

We cut off about 6" tonight and so far she's happy.


Jennifer said...

She looked so cute with her hair cute today! Did she donate it to locks of love? I've always thought of doing that, but I can never let my hair grow enough before cutting it.

Latisha said...

I thought about that as I was cutting it, but I later found out that you need at least 10 inches to donate it. Maybe next time!

Debra said...

FUN! She looks so grown up now!

Kristi said...

Her hair cut is SO cute. I love that hair style on girls though. It always looks so cute.

Melanie said...

Very cute! She is so lucky that her hair is thick and grows fast, Bailee wants to cut her's, but I won't let her because her hair is so thin and it never grows!

Unknown said...

super cute. i just love that length of little girls. obviously. :)

Amanda and Levin Gunter said...

she hair looks beautiful on her!