It finally got here! The first day of school! All of the kids were up bright and early and were very excited. (I suspect that will last about 2 days!) Kaylee had been sick most of the weekend, but she didn't want to miss the first day, so off she went.

Derek is starting 7th grade this year. His bus comes at about 6:30 in the morning and he's already starting class before 7:30. It makes for very early mornings around here!

These 3 are all in Elementary school together. Dustin is in 5th grade, Kaylee is in 2nd, and Brandon is starting Kindergarten (even though Brandon has a good inch on Kaylee now!). They can wear a red or yellow shirt with khaki or navy pants, but they thought it would be fun to match each other on the first day. Their bus arrives around 7:30 am.

Brandon was bursting with excitement to FINALLY go to school after a whole summer of waiting.

Still anxiously waiting for the bus.....

And it's here! The bus driver did a double take when she first saw the three of them. Last year it was just Kaylee who got on. I'm glad they have each other this year, though. Not a moment's hesitation from Brandon. He hopped right up. He is so ready to be a "big kid."

Plum tuckered out! I smiled when I saw Brandon sleeping with his little monkey after a long day at Kindergarten. It's bittersweet to see him growing up!
Everyone seemed to enjoy their first day. Kaylee stuck it out to the end, even though she wasn't feeling too great once the Tylenol wore off. We went to the doctor when she got home and discovered that she had an ear infection. She had Tuesday to rest up at home thanks to Tropical Storm Fay. They are all ready to get back to school tomorrow!
They are getting so grown up!! I cannot believe they are all in school. What are you going to do with your days now? You are going to get SOOO much done!!!
Wow! Love it that the have school uniforms. It is the best way to go. Wish our school district would do that!
SD Perryman
Such cute kids you have. When am I going to be brave enough to send Gracie on the bus? You're so far ahead of me Latisha. starts early around there. We start the first week in September. Still can't believe that summer is almost over. You family picture at the top of the page cracked me up! I loved it.
It is a sad and an awesome moment when they are all in school. How are you all holding up in the wheather?
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