Saturday, January 31, 2009

Christmas morning

This will probably be boring to everyone else, but it will help us remember what everyone got for Christmas! I have an obsession with documenting such things!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Happy Helpers

Jeffrey and Caitlyn visited us again this weekend, and they were very good helpers with the yardwork! We all enjoy having them come, but Dustin is especially sweet to watch with them. He always makes them feel special and loved. It's so nice to see!


I guess I've taken it for granted that my children really haven't been too destructive. As a general rule, I haven't had to deal with things like marker on the walls or syrup on the carpet. That's probably why we were so caught off guard when we found "Branb" scratched into the side of our relatively new van. I'm not sure this picture will actually do justice to the permanent monument Brandon created to himself. Apparently he used a shell from the rock bed. He warmed up with some nice scribbles on the hood and then went for the masterpiece. Guess he got worn out after he made the backwards D. I suppose these things will make great memories someday. For now, it's pretty much an eyesore.

Sunday, January 4, 2009


"On the way home" from Kansas, we stopped in South Carolina for a few days. We played games, read books, and watched lots of football. One of the highlights of our trip, though, was a drive to Pisgah National Forest in North Carolina for a little hiking. It was a gorgeous day to be in the mountains and a perfect way to spend New Year's Day!
Dustin, Justin, & Derek at Devil's Courthouse
Roger on the Black Balsam Knob trail

Fun in Kansas

We were excited to see leftover snow at Greg & Vicki's house.
A trip to Cabela's in Kansas City
Triumphant arrival at Grandma's house after a VERY long ride in the car!
Making sugar cookies
Kaylee's snow angel on the frozen pond
Crazy cousins
Grandpa & Grandma Shields on Christmas morning
Ready for Christmas dinner
Andrea, Erica, Tori, & Cheyenne enjoying their new books.
One of Kaylee's favorite things to do
A surprise ice storm
Playing spoons
The boys liked to stay on the four-wheelers as much as possible!
Brandon jumping on hay bales
Kaylee & Roger