Brandon wanted to be a chef for career day. We decided at the last minute that he had to have a hat, so we hastily put together a paper chef's hat and sent him off to school. The sad ending to the story is that he got sick right after he got to school and threw up (not into his chef's bowl - that would be too easy to clean up - try INTO HIS BACKPACK - yuck, yuck, yuck!). Even though he was feeling better, he was a little traumatized and wanted to come home. The school prefers that they go home if they throw up anyway. So, I checked the timer on the oven (still 45 minutes to go on the cake I was baking), and booked it down to the school (a 20 minute drive each way). We made it back in time - about 30 seconds before the cake timer went off - whew. He was excited to learn that I was doing some baking - he was a chef after all. All was well until Brandon realized that he would miss being in the career day parade at school. All of the sudden, he didn't want to be at home anymore. Lots of tears and wailing - from Brandon because he was stuck at home and from me because I got to clean out a nasty backpack. We're talking goop between the pages - stinky liquid inside the plastic covers of the binder - you get the picture. Overall, a dramatic end to career day! At least he started out really cute!!
Oh, poor Brandon! And poor you, too. That's a truly sad story.
That's a great hat...I thought it was store bought. Seriously. You'd never guess it was made from paper. At least I wouldn't have. He really is a cute little chef!
I'm sorry he got sick AND you had to clean it up. Not fun! I'm sure they missed him at the parade. It is an awesome hat and he is really cute.
Deng, those graphic descriptions Latisha!!!!!!
Oh man Latisha... I would have thrown away the backpack and bought a used one at Goodwill for $2!! Throw up is THE WORST. Does it still smell like throw up? I can never get the smell out easily.
he does look adorable!
Poor little baby! That always upsets me when little ones feel puny! He looks so stinkin cute!!!
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